Paste the following code into the head
section of your site’s HTML.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div style="position: fixed;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;background: #ccc;z-index: 1000;display: none;opacity: 0.8;text-align: center;color: #000;" id="dragover"> <table width="100%" height="100%"> <tr> <td valign="middle" align="center"><h1>Drop the file here.</h1></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="DH20"></div> <div data-ax5uploader="upload1"> <button data-ax5uploader-button="selector" class="btn btn-primary">Select File (*/*)</button> (Upload Max fileSize 20MB) </div> <div class="DH10"></div> <div data-ax5grid="first-grid" data-ax5grid-config="{ header: {align: 'center'}, showLineNumber: false, showRowSelector: true, multipleSelect: false, lineNumberColumnWidth: 40, rowSelectorColumnWidth: 27 }" style="height: 150px;"></div> <div style="padding: 10px 0;" data-btn-wrap> <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-upload-btn="removeFile">removeFile</button> </div>
Drop the file here. |
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var API_SERVER = ""; var DRAGOVER = $("#dragover"); /// dialog var DIALOG = new ax5.ui.dialog({ title: "AX5UI" }); /// upload var UPLOAD = new ax5.ui.uploader({ //debug: true, target: $('[data-ax5uploader="upload1"]'), form: { action: API_SERVER + "/api/v1/ax5uploader", fileName: "file" }, multiple: true, dropZone: { target: $(document.body), onclick: function () { // 사용을 원하는 경우 구현 return; if (!this.self.selectFile()) { console.log("파일 선택 지원 안됨"); } }, ondragover: function () { //this.self.$dropZone.addClass("dragover");; DRAGOVER.on("dragleave", function () { DRAGOVER.hide(); }); }, ondragout: function () { //this.self.$dropZone.removeClass("dragover"); }, ondrop: function () { DRAGOVER.hide(); } }, validateSelectedFiles: function () { console.log(this); // 10개 이상 업로드 되지 않도록 제한. if (this.uploadedFiles.length + this.selectedFiles.length > 10) { alert("You can not upload more than 10 files."); return false; } return true; }, onuploaderror: function () { console.log(this.error); dialog.alert(this.error.message); }, onuploadComplete: function () { ACTIONS["UPDATE_uploaded"](this.self.uploadedFiles); } }); /// grid var GRID = new ax5.ui.grid({ target: $('[data-ax5grid="first-grid"]'), columns: [ {key: "fileName", label: "fileName", width: 200}, {key: "fileSize", label: "fileSize", align: "right", formatter: function () { return ax5.util.number(this.value, {byte: true}); }}, {key: "ext", label: "ext", align: "center", width: 60}, {key: "createdAt", label: "createdAt", align: "center", width: 140, formatter: function () { return, {"return": "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"}); }}, {key: "download", label: "down", width: 60, align: "center", formatter: function () { return '<i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i>' }} ], body: { onClick: function () { if(this.column.key == "download" &&{ location.href = API_SERVER +; } } } }); /// ACTIONS var ACTIONS = { "INIT": function () { // 컨트롤 버튼 이벤트 제어 uploadView.initView(); }, "GET_grid": function (data) { return GRID.getList(data); }, "GET_uploaded": function () { // 업로드 파일 가져오기 $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: API_SERVER + "/api/v1/ax5uploader", success: function (res) { uploadView.setData(res); } }); }, "DELETE_files": function (data) { $.ajax({ contentType: "application/json", method: "post", url: API_SERVER + "/api/v1/ax5uploader/delete", data: JSON.stringify(data), success: function (res) { if (res.error) { alert(res.error.message); return; } ACTIONS["GET_uploaded"](); } }); }, "UPDATE_uploaded": function (data) { GRID.setData(data); } }; /// uploadView var uploadView = { initView: function () { $('[data-btn-wrap]').clickAttr(this, "data-upload-btn", { "removeFile": function () { var deleteFiles = ACTIONS["GET_grid"]("selected"); if (deleteFiles.length == 0) { alert("No list selected."); return; } DIALOG.confirm({ title: "AX5UI", msg: "Are you sure you want to delete it?" }, function () { if (this.key == "ok") { ACTIONS["DELETE_files"](deleteFiles); } }); } }); }, setData: function (data) { UPLOAD.setUploadedFiles(data); GRID.setData(UPLOAD.uploadedFiles); } }; ACTIONS["INIT"](); ACTIONS["GET_uploaded"](); }); </script>
'AX5UI' can be used with Bootstrap theme. The development of the distribution of the various UI plug-in. When you click the link to move to AX5UI index page.
AXBoot makes it easy to build web applications with Java & HTML5 Repeatable and noise development process are resolved by AXBoot.