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<div style="position: relative;height:300px;" id="grid-parent"> <div data-ax5grid="first-grid" data-ax5grid-config="{}" style="height: 100%;"></div> </div>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document.body).ready(function () { var API_SERVER = ""; var firstGrid = new ax5.ui.grid({ target: $('[data-ax5grid="first-grid"]'), showLineNumber: true, showRowSelector: true, header: {align:'center'}, frozenColumnIndex: 3, frozenRowIndex: 2, columns: [ { key: "id", label: "ID", width: 80, styleClass: function () { return "ABC"; }, enableFilter: true, align: "center", editor: { type: "text", disabled: function () { // item, value return false; } } }, {key: "name", label: "Name", align: "left", width: 200, treeControl: true}, { key: "isChecked", label: "Checkbox", width: 50, sortable: false, align: "center", editor: { type: "checkbox", config: {height: 17, trueValue: "Y", falseValue: "N"} } }, { key: "saleType", label: "saleType", align: "center", editor: { type: "select", config: { columnKeys: { optionValue: "CD", optionText: "NM" }, options: [ {CD: "A", NM: "A: String"}, {CD: "B", NM: "B: Number"}, {CD: "C", NM: "C: substr"}, {CD: "A", NM: "A: String"}, {CD: "B", NM: "B: Number"}, {CD: "C", NM: "C: substr"}, {CD: "A", NM: "A: String"}, {CD: "B", NM: "B: Number"}, {CD: "C", NM: "C: substr"}, {CD: "A", NM: "A: String"}, {CD: "B", NM: "B: Number"}, {CD: "C", NM: "C: substr"}, {CD: "D", NM: "D: substring"} ] } } }, { key: "saleDt", label: "saleDt", align: "center", editor: { type: "date", config: {} } }, { key: "customer", label: "Customer", align: "center", editor: {type: "text"} }, { key: "hash", label: "hash", width: 300, align: "left", formatter: function () { return this.item["__hs__"]; } } ], body: { columnHeight: 26, onDataChanged: function () { if (this.key == 'isChecked') { this.self.updateChildRows(this.dindex, {isChecked: this.item.isChecked}); } else if(this.key == '__selected__'){ this.self.updateChildRows(this.dindex, {__selected__: this.item.__selected__}); } } }, tree: { use: true, indentWidth: 10, arrowWidth: 15, iconWidth: 18, icons: { openedArrow: '<i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>', collapsedArrow: '<i class="fa fa-caret-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>', groupIcon: '<i class="fa fa-folder-open" aria-hidden="true"></i>', collapsedGroupIcon: '<i class="fa fa-folder" aria-hidden="true"></i>', itemIcon: '<i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>' }, columnKeys: { parentKey: "pid", selfKey: "id" } } }); var sampleData = [ {id: 0, name: "Thomas Jang", price: 1000, amount: null, saleDt: "2016-08-29", customer: "장기영", saleType: "A", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "0", id: "2", name: "Seowoo", price: 1100, amount: 11, saleDt: "2016-08-28", customer: "장서우", saleType: "B", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "0", id: "3", name: "Mondo", price: 1200, amount: 10, saleDt: "2016-08-27", customer: "이영희", saleType: "A", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "0", id: "4", name: "Brant", price: 1300, amount: 8, saleDt: "2016-08-25", customer: "황인서", saleType: "C", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "4", id: "5", name: "Tiffany", price: 1500, amount: 2, saleDt: "2016-08-26", customer: "이서연", saleType: "A", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "4", id: "6", name: "Edward", price: 1400, amount: 5, saleDt: "2016-08-29", customer: "황세진", saleType: "D", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "4", id: "7", name: "Bill", price: 1400, amount: 5, saleDt: "2016-08-29", customer: "이하종", saleType: "B", isChecked: "N"}, {pid: "0", id: "8", name: "Aeei", price: 1400, amount: 5, saleDt: "2016-08-29", customer: "김혜미", saleType: "C", isChecked: "N"} ]; firstGrid.setData(sampleData); }); </script>
'AX5UI' can be used with Bootstrap theme. The development of the distribution of the various UI plug-in. When you click the link to move to AX5UI index page.
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