this version added only a few of the key and function in the mustache.


“ax5.mustache” is a modified version of mustache in the “”, some of the syntax.


ax5.mustache.render(template, view)

Argument01_template, Argument02_view, Usage, Output

Argument01_ template:

var tmpl = "{{title}} spends {{calc}}";
  • It makes an expression format.

Argument02_ view:

var view = {
  title: "Joe",
  calc: function () {
    return 2 + 4;
  • It will be a data.

Usage_ ax5.mustache.render(template, view):

var output = ax5.mustache.render(template, view);
  • You can express ‘view’ data as ‘template’ format, by “ax5.mustach.render” code

Output_ console.log(output):

Joe spends 6

This module is almost like as the basic usage of mustach. Please refer to the Mustache API.

You can use all API of mustache in the same way. I will introduce the features added in the ax5.mustache below.


Argument01_template, Argument_view, Usage, Output

Argument01_ template:

var template =
* {{firstName}} {{lastName}} ({{@i}}) ({{@first}})
  • ‘#’ annotation : loop start signal at Array type.
  • ‘/’ annotation : loop end signal at Array type.
  • ‘@’ annotation : loop index signal.(It can be used like as ‘?’ with ‘first’.(@first=?first))

Argument02_ view:

var view = {
  "beatles": [
    { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Lennon" },
    { "firstName": "Paul", "lastName": "McCartney" },
    { "firstName": "George", "lastName": "Harrison" },
    { "firstName": "Ringo", "lastName": "Star" }

Usage_ ax5.mustache.render(template, view):

var output = ax5.mustache.render(template, view);


* John Lennon (0) (true)
* Paul McCartney (1) (false)
* George Harrison (2) (false)
* Ringo Star (3) (false)


Argument01_template, Argument02_view, Usage, Output

Argument01_ template:

var template=
    * {{@key}} : {{@value.firstName}} {{@value.lastName}}
  • ‘:’ annotation : match the key with value.
  • ‘.’ annotation : access to child variable.

Argument02_ view

var view = {
    "beatles": {
        "John": {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Lennon"},
        "Paul": {"firstName": "Paul", "lastName": "McCartney"},
        "George": {"firstName": "George", "lastName": "Harrison"},
        "Ringo": {"firstName": "Ringo", "lastName": "Star"}

Usage_ ax5.mustache.render(template, view):

var output = ax5.mustache.render(template, view);


* John : John Lennon
* Paul : Paul McCartney
* George : George Harrison
* Ringo : Ringo Star

AX5UI Package

'AX5UI' can be used with Bootstrap theme. The development of the distribution of the various UI plug-in. When you click the link to move to AX5UI index page.

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